HELP - Lesson 2/2
HTML - what is it?
It is important that you now understand that every opening HTML tag must have a closing tag, and that these tags form the whole structure of HTML. HTML - it stands for HyperText Markup Language which sounds complicated, but actually is just a way of saying that we put a marker at the start and a marker at the end of the text which we want to act upon, which will cause all text between to obey whatever instruction the marker represents.
Boldly go....
For a real example, to turn text bold we use the BOLD, <b> tag. We place an opening tag <b> before the text which we want to display bold, and a closing tag </b> after the text we want in bold, and thats it... bold text - or text MARKED UP to be bold when displayed in the browser.
Lets do it!
Do we still have a blank web page in our Editing window? If not then make a new one, File | New | HTML Document - no icon here in the help file this time - you should be able to do this yourself now!
Locate the BODY element - between the opening and closing <BODY> tags - there's probably a blank line there now anyway, so make sure the cursor is flashing between these tags, and type "HELLO WORLD" again.
Now preview it - pretty boring it is too.
Now return to the editing window, select the word "HELLO" - just double click it with the mouse - and press the BOLD or B button on the toolbar.
Look what has happened to your document. EHTML has automatically added those complicated tags for you. You didnt even have to type anything.
You have just learned both BOLD, the BOLD TAG and how to use EHTML to help you while you type.
So HTML is just a way of describing how to display text and graphics to make a web page! Lets move on to look at some further examples.
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