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Step By Step Guide

Sharpening Photos

Quick Approach

1. Please resize the image to its final size before using FocalBlade.
2. Set the preview zoom to 100% otherwise you won't see the sharpening effect precisely.
3. Choose "Novice Mode" if it isn't already set.
4. Click the Reset button to set the default values.
5. Click on the Print button if you want to print the image or the Screen button if you want to use the image for screen display.
6. If you don't like the result, try other settings from the three Auto combo boxes.
7. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Advanced Approach

1. Please resize the photo to its final size before using FocalBlade. If you want to print it, make sure that its pixel size matches the print size.
2. Set the preview zoom to 100% otherwise you won't see the sharpening effect precisely.
3. If the image is larger than the preview, right click on the preview and drag to make the part of the image visible that contains the most important object.
4. Choose "Expert Mode" if it isn't already set.
5. Click the Reset button to set the default values.
6. Click on the Print button if you want to print the image or the Screen button if you want to use the image for screen display.
7. Try different settings from the three Auto combo boxes until you are satisfied.
8. To make more subtle changes please use the control of the Edges and Surface tab.
9. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Expert Approach

1. Please resize the photo to its final size before using FocalBlade. If you want to print it, make sure that its pixel size matches the print size.
2. Set the preview zoom to 100% otherwise you won't see the sharpening effect precisely.
3. If the image is larger than the preview, right click on the preview and drag to make the part of the image visible that contains the most important object.
4. Choose "Expert Mode" if it isn't already set.
5. Click the Reset button to set the default values.
6. Click on the Print button if you want to print the image or the Screen button if you want to use the image for screen display.
7. Draw a sample area on the preview that encloses the most important part of the image. By doing so you make sure that this part of the image gets optimally sharpened.
8. Try different settings from the three Auto combo boxes until you are satisfied.
9. To make more subtle changes please use the controls of the Edges and Surface tab. For controlling which areas of the photo will be sharpened with the Edges tab settings and with the Surface tab settings you can use the four Mask sliders. The Mask Display options lets you see which areas belong to the edges and which are surface.
10. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Split View

1. Please resize the photo to its final size before using FocalBlade.
2. Set the preview zoom to 100% otherwise you won't see the sharpening effect precisely.
3. Click the Reset Button to set the default values.
4. Activate the "Sharpen Vert." or "Sharpen Horiz." Split View mode. Activating the Multiple check box usually lets you better compare the different Split View areas.
5. Right click on the preview and drag to center the most important image area in the preview.
6. Try different settings of the three Auto combo boxes, adjust the controls of the Edges and Surface tabs or even draw a sample area on the preview until you are satisfied. For every change the Split View areas will be updated and display the new setting. The current settings are displayed in the middle area while the other areas display -/+ 50% variations of it.
7. Finally deactivate the Split View mode or alternatively hold down the Shift key and click on one of the Split View areas to apply its values to the controls of FocalBlade.
8. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Deblurring Photos

1. Please resize the image to its final size before using FocalBlade.
2. Switch to the "DeBlur" or "DeBlur Pro" mode.
3. Try various settings for the Sharpen and Radius slider(s) until you are satisfied. Choosing the right method may help, too. However, if the image is too blurry, you will only be able to make it somewhat less blurry, but not fully sharp again.
4. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Fixing Oversharpened Photos

1. Please resize the image to its final size before using FocalBlade.
2. Choose "Expert Mode" if it isn't already set.
3. Set the Sharpen sliders of the Edges and Surface tabs to zero.
4. Increase the value of the Soften slider of the Surface tab until you are satisfied with the result. Also try different Radius slider settings.
5. To soften the edges, too, please decrease the value of the Intensity slider. Try various settings for the Method combo box if you are still not satisfied.
6. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Creating a Glow Effect

1. Switch to Glow mode or to Expert mode. In Expert mode set both Sharpen sliders to zero if you don't want additional sharpening to be applied.
2. Adjust the Glow slider to your preferred value and change the glow color by clicking on the color box left to the Glow slider.
3. To change the look of the glow effect you can use the Intensity, Smoothness and Remove sliders.
4. Click on OK to apply the correction.

Creating a Soft Focus Effect

1. Switch to Soft Focus mode or to Expert mode. In Expert mode set both Sharpen sliders (of at least that of the Surface tab) to zero if you don't want additional sharpening to be applied.
2. Set the Soften slider to a value between 50 and 75 and set the Radius slider of the Surface tab to a value of around 8.0.
3. Try different Method box settings.
4. In Expert mode you can additionally use the Intensity and Remove sliders to selectively soften or unsoften certain image areas.
5. In Expert mode you can also use the Glow slider to add a nice effect.
4. Click on OK to apply the correction.

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