HELP - Lesson 1/3
The Main Editing Window

The main central part of the screen is the active document editing window. You can have multiple documents open at once, and choose from them by the tabs along the bottom of the program screen. New documents will be called Untitledxx.htm, and we recommend that when a new document is opened, it is saved immediately to the your web site folder, as this can change the way some of the features in the program work later.

Lets try it now.

  • Choose File | New from the main menu bar - or click the New Document icon on the toolbar.

  • Note that this icon has an extra drop down to the right hand side, indicating that it has a drop down list, which when clicked gives further choices from the tool bar.
  • Once you know more about the various types of document you can choose from many templates to save you time, but for now lets open a Blank Document.

    If you had a document open before, you will now have a new document, which should be a totally blank screen with a flashing text cursor at the top left. Type something.... HELLO WORLD is always a good test phrase.

  • Now press the Preview button just above the words you typed. Every document window has its own controls - Edit and Preview, plus some others which we will look at later. PREVIEW opens the internal version of internet explorer up and displays the web page exactly as internet explorer would see it if you had published the page on the internet.
    The preview window will be used frequently to inspect your work, and updates made in the edit window will be instantly viewable in preview without saving and refreshing the page.

    You just made a web page - not much to look at, and not technically correct either, but its a start! You probably deserve a break now, as you will have realised that it will take a long time before you can publish a world class web site, but web pages dont have to be complicated to be useful - this very page which you are reading was created in HTML with this program.
    Lesson 2 has more detail about the basic layout of a web page.

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